I'm excited to share that the website for Legal Dive went live on April 25 and the newsletter will launch in a little over a week. The publication is for in-house counsel and their management team colleagues. If you’re a general counsel, chief legal officer, associate counsel, paralegal or other staff in an in-house legal team, I hope you’ll subscribe. It’s free, and our journalists are working hard to give you useful, actionable information on both the legal and the management side of your job.
Here's the link. Please take a look.
There’s no shortage of legal news today. Law.com, Law360 and others are keeping attorneys updated on important developments. These publications are covering the profession from many angles, including the in-house counsel side, so let me share some thoughts on why we think we can add value in the space.
General counsel have a job that splits them in two. On the one hand they must be up to speed on legal developments that can have a material impact on their organization. We just saw a good example of this when earlier this month the top courts in Iowa and Massachusetts ruled against restaurant companies that are trying to get their carriers to pay up under the business interruption clause of their insurance coverage. That’s the kind of legal news GCs and chief legal officers must stay up on, and the decisions were widely reported.
But on the other hand GCs are managing a team that must work seamlessly within an organization whose goals are not legal; they’re product or service focused in the case of a business or mission focused in the case of a nonprofit. Managing a legal team in this context is different from managing lawyers in a law firm, and this is where we think we can help.
Legal Dive aims to be the business publication for in-house counsel who want to know how to get the best out of their people, the law firms they work with and the software they use. And we want to help them manage a legal team that does more than protect their organization from risk; it also adds value by helping their organization optimize operations and grow into new areas. We want to help them build a team that's a strategic asset, in other words, and not just a cost center.
There are publications that focus on the management side of legal teams but we’re coming to the topic as veteran business-to-business journalists who want to give you information that’s actionable. We want you to take our coverage and apply it to your needs. If we can help you do that, we’ll be successful. And so will you.
Take a look. We hope you become a subscriber.